Countryside photos

see copyright notice. Page created 26-Dec-2019. Use the button groups above to navigate quickly around the site.


I'm fortunate to live in walking distance of some gently undulating Essex countryside; these photos were all taken around Warley. The first 2 are of the West Meadow at Warley Place ("Miss Willmott's") - in spring (with daffodils) and autumn (with cattle). Photo 3 captures the familiar yellow-out of oilseed rape in flower, in this case looking east towards Little Warley. The mossy woodland "eye" pattern is at Warley Gap.

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North Kent is among my favourite destinations for a day out walking, especially as much of it is accessible with a London travelcard or pass. First up is the River Darent at Darenth; next, an idyllic farm scene near Horton Kirby (I think!). The haymaking is at Luddesdown, while the dappled lane, and bovine "Reception Committee" are near Timberden Bottom.

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I've included a couple of photos under the heading "Middlesex", mainly to annoy those who think the county no longer exists. Like much of Essex, it's a victim of the ever-sprawling "Greater London", but still retains some lovely countryside. The lake is at Harefield Place, "Shadows & Reflections" in Dollis Brook.

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